Thursday, May 18, 2006


Why do we smoke?

Is there a logical explanation behind it?

It’s called “smoke” you know… like “fire” smoke… nobody inhales “fire smoke” do they? So why do we smoke? Is it because the nicotine is supposed to relax you? It’s supposed to make you feel good? Well, it doesn’t! It makes you feel like shit. Actually, there’s no feeling at all. If you’re lucky, you might get a headache after you smoke, but that’s only if you’re really lucky. If you’re not, you’re just left with smelly clothes and hands and breath…

So why do we smoke? Right after we’re done smoking we open all the windows to get some fresh air in! But Hello! all that smoke you’re sick of now, was in your lungs seconds ago! And we’re always complaining about how shitty smoking is… “I’m quitting man…” or “this one is the last smoke man”… “just tonight guys, ok?” Who are we kidding? We’re NOT gonna quit! Yeah! Mark Twain once said “There’s nothing quite as easy as quitting smoking… I have done it a thousand times!!”

So let’s light a last cigarette in honour of all those who try! quitting! And this is the last one, ok? And in honor of Hossein, my dear friend, who once bought me banana when I asked him to get me a Cuban cigar on his way back home. He gave me the banana and said “There, this won’t give you lung cancer, and it is actually rich in potassium!” Hossein my friend, nice try!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good question, i wonder why we do that! i mean we seat and smoke and smoke. but i'm not talking about sigaretes, u know we use to do them long time ago! now it's just hashish, marijuannaa, cocaen, and we also like injecting! why? why do i inject 90 gerams of heroin everyday? why? i mean seriously! why?
good that u brought that up man! i'm quitting, and please tell ur ferend hossein to buy me a bennana on his way! (i hope he doesn't find out that i lied to him for a bennana)

the only person who leav comment!

5/20/2006 1:41 AM  

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