I was surprised looking at the archives of Sandtank today... Sandtank, you're almost SIX months old! happy half-anniversary! Man, I never thought I could keep up a blog for six months... actually I never thought I could keep up anything for six months...
During the past six months what I put in my blog has changed quite a lot. I started off with mostly writing my feelings and thoughts, in English. After some time, I started adding some Persian posts to here and there, and Sandtank became kinda bi-lingual (put that in your resume, Sandtank. It's gonna earn you some extra points). For me it was really difficult to type in Farsi, so I gave it up and went back to English.
After some time, I came up with the idea of writing posts in Farsi, Scanning and uploading scanned images. This way, I'd practice my Farsi writing every now and then, along with posting in Farsi (having ur cake and eating it too).
I don't have too many viewers here, so to you dear reader, who's reading this very line right now, I appreciate your time and I hope you liked my posts. I don't like to turn my blog into a whorehouse and add a dozen links to other weblogs in order to have them add me to their lists. I prefer if only people I know read what I write.
So, all the best to you sandtank, I am looking forward to celebrating your sixth anniversary!