دفترچه خاطرات
ميدونم واقعا... بلاگم شده دفترچه خاطرات…
شايد برای شما خواننده محترم واقعا مهم نباشه امروز من چی خوردم... يا اينکه کی ميرم خونه جديدم…
راستی، من امروز ظهر پيتزا خوردم، و شنبه ميرم خونه جديدم...برای تابستون...
ميدونم واقعا... بلاگم شده دفترچه خاطرات…
I am using the blogger plugin for word for the very first time. I am also typing my first post with my fingers in the correct position on the keyboard (that’s why it’s taking me five times as long). I don’t know if this effort will ever pay back… it’s just that I was typing so (where was that damned Q again? Oh here it is…) quickly just using three or four fingers and looking at the keyboard… I was doing just fine… but everyone says this is “the new thing”. You’d be considered an oldie if you are staring at the keyboard while typing (urghhhhh I’m sick and tired of typing “t” instead of “r” and “c” instead of “b”…)…