Ooo and something else too... you'll forget to bring a spoon and fork :(( so u end up eating lunch with a plastic fork you borrow from friends...
Sand Tank
Friday, March 31, 2006
If you're a guy, and you wanna make your lunch at home and take it to school -both healthy and economical (:-s)- I can assure you that:
1- You will stay home the whole morning... if you're lucky you'll be out of the house by eleven thirty...
2- You will use 30 dishes and 5 pans and three pots in the process.
3- You will burn something, so your house will smell like burnt food for a few days.
4- You will forget to put one thing in... it could be salt, spices, oil, ... sometimes you will forget to put anything in and it will be an hour before you realize you are cooking water.
5- You will hate the taste once you get to school and then start to wonder if you should've stuck with subway, or pizza, or... (Oh my God, what was I thinking when I decided to bring lunch to school today?!!)
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
حکايت ما
در باب پس گردنی
Monday, March 27, 2006
Sandtank finds a home... in the hydraulics lab... a little warm because of the hot water pipes going through the ceiling eh? but, hey, you gotta take whatever you're given... you know Dr. L-double I-U tried his best to get Sandtank a better home... well, not the best, but the nicer cooler cells down in the heavy structures lab, but they didn't let him, so when you're left with one option, the wisest thing is to take it my dearest Sandtank...
Now, your frame is made, and your glass is being made ...ehhh... who knows maybe right now... they're gonna put you together soon... and when that happens, it'll be the happiest day in our lives... don't you agree?
Sandtank, I got a tutorial in the afternoon, and then a tutoring class after that, so I really have to run... two more weeks of this life and after that these first year freaks will leave me alone, with a pocket , well, full of money...
Until they become concious they will never rebel,
and until after they have rebelled they cannot become concious.
George Orwell - 1984
تا زمانی که هشيار نشده باشند، شورش نخواهند کرد
و فقط در صورتی هشيار خواهند شد که شورش کرده باشند
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
The past two days have just been flying past and I haven't had a chance to sit down and figure out what I'm planning to do. I need to find a place. I need to start planning for a summer job. I need to .... eee what the heck, enjoy the pic!!

بابا کرم.... آ آ...
Monday, March 20, 2006
پسرک با پدر و مادرش روبوسی و خداحافظی کرد
و سريع برگشت
تا اشک های پدر و مادر رو نبينه
و مادر و پدر اشک هاشو نبينن
از پشت شيشه های سالن پرواز به بيرون سالن خيره شد
خورشيد داشت آروم آروم طلوع ميکرد...
Friday, March 17, 2006
Happy two days to your first month, Sandtank
Mom, I love you from the bottom of my heart.
Dad, I love you deep from the bottom of my heart.
Thanks for being there for me, through joy and sorrow, always.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
It's only 4 days to Norouz (that's the Persian new year, in case you didn't know). I asked mom why we don't have any "sabze" this year, so last week she ent ahead and put "maash" in two plates with a damp tissue covering them, first you leave them in a place with no light until you see the "javoone"s and then you expose them to light... and you won't believe this... we have two beautiful "sabze"s in the house now.... i thought we're never going to make it this year. I'll definitely take these "sabze"s to school, where we'll be celebrating the new year with someIranian friends...
Mom and dad are leaving Monday morning, and New year is around 2:00 in the afternoon...
And are you looking for surprises in my posts? well, Cindy "walked" into our house on Monday night... We had no idea she was planning to come and see mom again here in Canada... Well, she just proves the word "friend" still has a meaning these days... shame on me and people like me who think we're good friends...
It's been an interesting couple of days... but then again, i wont talk about them here... this is not a diary... or is it? :-s
Monday, March 13, 2006
و بدين ترتيب، عشق قربانی سرنوشت شد
Sunday, March 12, 2006
salam farshiiid :)
too in ozae gharashmish yeki az khabaraee ke mitoonest khoshhalam kone hamin bood ke to weblog zady kheili bamaze mineviisiii
halo ahvalet chetore?
ma ke inja hesabi dargiire badbakhtiamooniiim
dige ghooze balaghooze, dastanam ine kedadashamo loolia kotak zadan darbo daghoonesh kardan va hesabi inja asiir shodam
shodam mamanesho babash az ye tarqafam bayad koli hers bokhoram hala bayad amalam beshe dige ino nemidooonam kojaye delam bezaram...
khodaya ... chi begam :((
khoda ghovat, miss u girl... wish u all the best, khoda bozorge Haaleh... kash man boodam mitoonestam komak konam...
Friday, March 10, 2006
Sad, but true
I wanna write about one of my personal characteristics today... I'm not sure if this can be called a characteristic or a habit or... so bear with me through it.
I don't think I deal with life's problems serious enough.
When I face a problem, there's a complicated mental process I go through, which will cause me to feel OVERSTRESSED for a few hours, then TOTALLY CALM after that.
I think this "numbness", or "calmness" if you like, is somehow related to my mind reacting to escape the mental pressure of dealing with a serious problem. It's somehow similar to a computer "asking" to be "shut down" if you run too many programs with it.
Yes, my mind will automatically "shut down" to escape the pressure.
So, when I face a big problem, this is what seems to happen: At first, I break down totally. I become exteremely weak and hopeless. But surprisingly, this feeling lasts for only half a day, at most, and this is where I think my brain reacts to the problem by making it look so small that it can be ignored. My brain will give me all kinds of reasons to accept that the problem is not as scary as I thought, but infact it is very small, and it has happened to many people before and they have overcome it, so I will definitely be able to overcome it. And then the numbness, and carelessness. Now, the problem seems so small, that I will tell my brain:
"Don't worry brain, I will take care of it in my free time."
I think my brain's saying to itself "Man, look at this guy, two hours ago he was
at the point of agony,
thinking there won't be a tomorrow,
and so I give him "some" hope to calm him down,
and God damn it, he takes so seriously
that he tells me he will do "something" about it in "his free time" "?
Yes friends, that is the sad, but true story of what goes on inside a civil engineering masters' student at ... university whenever he faces a problem...
P.S. Thanks Nazanin for reading and commenting on my posts, you seem to be the only reader so far girl, keep up the good work!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
خدا کنه چيز مهمی نباشه
اينم يه پست به زبان شيرين فارسی
اند دتس ايت
بد جوری ذهنمو مشغول کرده از ديروز
نميگم چی
ولی ايشالا که چيز مهمی نباشه
Monday, March 06, 2006
Coffee always gets my brain racing...
a) I chose Blogger because I assumed being a well known webblog, (if not the best-known weblog), IT WOULD NEVER CRASH. The first part of my assumption remains true my friends. However, this afternoon proved my second assumption wrong. And this is happening in the less than two weeks I've been using blogger.
b)I watched the Oscars last night. I must confess I was very disappointed with the two awards that went to Brokeback Mountain. Now, I have not watched this film nor do I ever plan to do so, I think it's a disgrace to all the Western movies I have watched during my life. I always think of my cowboy heros as straight cowboy heros. I don't want anything to change that thought. I was also disappointed with the winner for the best female actress, Reese Witherspoon, because I can't imagine her as ever being an oscar winner. I haven't seen Walk the line yet either. I will watch that movie sooner or later, and I will tell you in case I ever change my mind (I doubt it). Which reminds me, I need to buy a good TV and sound system and DVD player for the place I'm moving in. Movies have once been a very important part of my life, and now I'm starting to lose that.
c) I'm back from Second Cup, and I am nearly finishing my regular cinammon caramel coffee, which is supposed to keep me awake this afternoon for studying Environmental systems. This will officially be the first time I make an attempt to study anything for this course in this semester.
d) I was the invigilator for my TA course this afternoon. The professor left the exam and I was left with the students.
And then a student asks me for the density of water in US units.
For those fellow readers who don't know, this is the easiest and stupidest question in engineering. Any engineer should know this number. It is like asking someone for their mom's name or something.
But the problem occurs when the TA has been using SI units all his life. He hates US units, and so he vaguely remembers a number like 62.4, thinks again, puts on his "I'm sure what I'm telling you is correct" face and replies "62.4".
He doesnt' stop right there. Next he goes up to the board and he writes on the board "density of water=62.4 lb/ft3".
Students all copy this in their exam books.
Ten minutes before exam ends, the professor returns. He smiles at the TA, then looks at the board, quickly looks back at the TA, then the board, then the TA, board, TA, board, TA...
And he screams out "Students, please pay attention, there has been a mistake... this number here on the board (looks at the TA while saying that) is the Gamma of water, not the Rho, the Rho is equal to 1.98 which when multiplied by 32.2 equals 62.4 ...."
The prof is thinking to himself "Who the hell is this guy?!!"
Thursday, March 02, 2006
It's funny.
If you've ever been to orkut, you'd know what I'm talking about.
Your status marital can be SINGLE, COMMITTED or MARRIED
1. If you're single, you're a nobody. People will go through your profile and say "Yeah, yeah, just another ordinary guy (girl)...".
2.If you're committed, suddenly you become an important person. People start going through your profile and try to guess who the lucky winner is. Others will congragulate you on your "success". Girls suddenly start noticing you. Hey, where the hell were all these honeys before I was committed?!!
3. If you're married, you're boring. People will click on your profile as an act of empathy. They will comment on how good your picture looks or how nice and friendly you are, but that's just bullshit. Deep down inside they feel sorry for you. They see themselves in your shoes, shiver, then open their eyes and thank God for the good life they have.
P.S. I am very, very, VERY tired. Today has been a very busy day for me. One and a half hours of tutorial in the morning, three hours of class in the afternoon and then anothe 3 hours in the evening.
a very busy busy yesterday and today
that is all friends
have to run !
i did watch the Russel Peters skit I love so much for the second (or third) time today for the hour I was free. It kinda got me goin' again. Not too many things to be happy about when you're a graduate student and a TA and a tutor....